Day One. Again.

Well here we are, day one all over again. It’s a bit annoying that we’ve got to this when we were doing so well before but what’s done is done, there’s no point beating ourselves up about it.

Neither of us weighed ourselves this morning, we’ll probably keep Monday as our weigh in day from now on. We remember easily and a Monday feels like a good day seeing as it’s the start of a new week. I don’t know exactly how much we’ve both put on but it’ll be at least half a stone, easily. To be fair I just have to look at a cake and I could put that on… well, not quite but I do have a big glycogen regain quickly and easily but then that comes off easily too so just got to keep on with it. We might weigh ourselves tomorrow but I have to admit I don’t really want to face the scales or make it so official by putting it on here but I probably should.

Neither of us are feeling too bad but then Day 1 is never particularly difficult usually. Drinking plenty and we’ve still got 2 packs left and it’s 6pm so I think we should be ok. We’ll have to put a new order in soon, looking forward to trying some of the new things. Here’s too a good restart and here’s hoping it carries on this way!

Thinking back about what went wrong I think the main reason for it is clear, we got too used to things. We let our protein meal become more than just a treat at the weekend, instead it was pretty much daily. If we didn’t have that meal we felt like we were missing out and depriving ourselves so we were no longer choosing to have it, we had to have it. Then soon swede chips were boring and I didn’t want them anymore and having that meal together at a weekend wasn’t special anymore so meals out snuck back in at the weekend and then that weekend meal out escalated into a full blown off plan time. Then with our holiday coming up it was so hard to refocus but now that’s gone, we’re back and we can do this. We’re stripping meals back to the occasional treat again, not only do we think that it’ll help us focus more but it’ll also be cheaper too! Hopefully it’ll help, we’ll see.

Wake Up Call

I’m not going to lie, I’m not going to skirt over or dilute the truth… these past few weeks have been an epic fail. After starting so well life got in the way, WE LET life get in the way. There were social things that we didn’t turn down, we should have but we didn’t. We shouldn’t have turned them down because you can’t be social on a VLCD but because we knew we weren’t quite strong enough to resist temptation at that moment in time. Then we had a little holiday and there were just umpteen excuses (some valid reasons) for not being on plan. We’re back from holiday now though and other than a meal out tonight (already booked and paid for, was supposed to be last week while we’d be off plan anyway but had to reschedule) we have nothing to distract us, no reason or excuse not to do this and do it properly.

Some of the photos that we took of ourselves while we were away were a real wake up call for us. We knew that we needed to lose weight but we disliked every full body shot that we took. The wedding is now less than 6 months away, we don’t want to look at our wedding photos and feel the same way. So after tonight it’s back on track, we NEED to be back on track. I have a feeling the first week or two will be hard, we’re going to need all the support we can get!


Facing reality and being honest with ourselves

It’s been a while since either of us have posted on here, I think it’s been a bit of an avoidance tactic – if we don’t say it, if we don’t write it then we don’t have to face it. The past few weeks haven’t really gone as well as the first few weeks and we have no-one to blame but ourselves. This falls on us.

We had a great first couple of weeks, no distractions, completely 100% focused and motivated. The losses were great and spurred us on but then things changed, there were things thrown in our way to tempt us. Social food situations are so hard to deal with on this diet whilst staying on plan but it’s possible, you can choose things that aren’t 100% but that are as closest to it as possible but the problem was, we didn’t always do that. There were also a couple of times that we were at Aaron’s parents so we didn’t get to pick off a menu, it was just the one choice – eat or don’t. To be fair o his mum, she did try and make it as good for us  as we could but then pudding was so tempting!

We weren’t too bad though, our weekends weren’t great but during the week we were 100% on it. Until last week. I got poorly with tonsillitis and so i didn’t want packs, I didn’t want to diet, I just wanted food to make me feel better and so when I fell off the wagon, I pulled Aaron down with me. At home our success comes in a package, maybe we need to be stronger than that, maybe we need to get to a point where even if the other one is sitting and scoffing down a kebab (which neither of us did!) we can still just sit and have our packs.

So we went off plan, not spectacularly but when we did it, we did it properly but on Monday morning we decided that was it, I was feeling much better, it was time to get back on plan. We both went off to work fully intending to get back on plan but the week was full of failed attempts, with an afternoon tea (booked a while ago) next weekend and then a trip to Dublin it’s been so hard to get focused. I don’t know why but when I know that there’s something coming up where I’ll go off plan and that it’s  coming up fairly soon I find it so difficult to focus and stay on plan. Those  first few days are hard work and I guess something in me says what’s the point in battling on knowing that I’ll have to do it again so soon, why put myself through that. When I do I feel like I’m setting myself up to fail and every fail, no matter how  big or small, makes it that bit harder to try again. It makes that voice inside me telling me I’ll fail that bit louder. It makes that feeling of hope that bit weaker. So I’m not going to do that to myself, I’m not going to set myself up to fail.

I might get through these next 5 days 100% but then even if I do I’ll just be starting to feel ‘normal’ and it’ll be time for our break, which will involve food. We could cancel the afternoon tea and lose the money we’ve paid for it but I’m not going to make excuses here, I don’t  want to. I want to go, I want to spend that time with Aaron, my sister, brother in law and nieces.  I could go to Dublin and stick to packs but I don’t want to. I want to enjoy eating out, I want to have a few drinks in different pubs, I don’t want to have packs. So no excuses, right now I just don’t want to. If I really wanted to I could but I haven’t got that in me right now so for now it’s damage control. The next 5/6 days won’t bee going mad, eating takeaway every night but it will be ‘normal’ food that I’ll cook myself and try to keep as healthy as possible. I’m not saying it’ll all be perfect but I’m going to make it as good as I can. Then we’ll have half term and enjoy all the things that it brings and after that be back ready to get back on track with nothing to distract us and everything to focus us. Including my wedding dress which I swapped for one that’s 2 sizes too small so we HAVE to do this. After half term/Dublin/afternoon tea etc. we’ll have 6 months. We WILL do this.

Watch this space.